Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) ( is the main Public Higher Educational institution with economic profile in Moldova. Currently, ASEM comprises 6 faculties with 26 departments (Business Administration, General Economy and Law, Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics, International Economic Relations, Finance, Accounting) two auxiliary departments, seven Centres, Master School of Excellence in Economics and Business, Doctoral School, School of Tourism and Hotel Services, a business incubator and National College of Commerce.


Internationalization is an important topic for the Academy, which is not implemented only through the mobility of students, faculty and other staff, but also through the implementation of international summer schools and direct involvement of foreign experts and professors in the delivery of the courses. In addition, ASEM is the member of many international and regional organizations (the European University Association (EUA), the Francophone University Association (FUA), the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN), the Central European Initiative University Network (CEI-University Network). Moreover, ASEM cooperates with more than 20 European universities. The research activity is strongly developed at the institution. ASEM implements national research projects acquired through public tenders by Academy of Science of Moldova.


Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova has important role in ELEVATE. As the Applicant institution, it is legally responsible for overall technical/financial management, including: coordination of the entire project, chairing the Steering Committee, maintaining contacts with EACEA and Commission, supervision of WP`s Leaders, final preparation and submission of reports and deliverables to EACEA..


Centre for European Integration Studies of the ASEM (CSEI.ASEM) (  (Coordinator) created since 2009, has been involved in numerous international activities, has been a grant coordinator of Jean Monnet projects (e.g. INTEGRA, REGDEV, EUNIAM), South East European programme (SEETechnology) and National coordinator of Tempus Structural projects (e.g. ATHENA, FKTBUM, ELUMNI), Joint projects (SUCSID) and ERASMUS MUNDUS action 2 (e.g. EMP-AIM) in Moldova.