Between March 23-24, 2017, within the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova was organized the International Forum “Knowledge Triangle – Triangle 2017, entitled” Promoting International Cooperation for Consolidating the Knowledge Triangle in Moldova “.
At the 3rd edition, TRIANGLE managed to attract about 300 participants: representatives of the EU Delegation to Moldova (Marco GEMMER), representatives of the Ministry of Education (Ms. Nadejda VELIȘCO, head of higher education, Ms. Ludmila PAVLOV, head Directorate of International Relations and European Integration), AGEPI Director – Octavian APOSTOL, representatives of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (vice-president of ASM, PhD, Prof. Univ. Viorel PRISACARI), rectors and vice-rectors of the most prominent universities in Moldova , scientists, researchers and experts from such countries as the USA, Slovenia, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, etc., students and representatives of civil society in this field of interest.
The plenary session of the conference was moderated by Rodica CRUDU – Doctor of Economics, ASEM associate professor, professor Jean Monnet, academic coordinator of the International Forum TRIANGLE 2017, and after the coffee break, debates and discussions were continued in 3 panels and 6 workshops thing.
The scope of TRIANGLE 2017 is due to the synergy between several projects, co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Union, which have joined forces in organizing this grand event and achieving the objectives set:
– ELEVATE project “Elevating the internationalization of higher education in Moldova”, during which the national workshop “Internationalization of higher education in the Republic of Moldova at system and institutional level” was organized.
– EANET „TEMPUS Entrepreneur Alumni Network”
– EU2INNO “Jean Monnet Chair in EU Policies towards innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship”.