
Third Consortium Meeting (Chisinau, Moldova), in framework of the project “ELEVATE – ELEVATING THE INTERNATIONALISATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN MOLDOVA” was organized on  12 – 13 March 2019, at the Academy of  Economic Studies of Moldova.

Representatives of the Moldovan partners, consisting of managers of HEIs and ELEVATE institutional team, in partnership with European members of the ELEVATE Consortium, participated in activities aimed to strengthening the good development of the project.

The main topics was about the operational plan for the second and third years of the ELEVATE Project. Dr. Olesea SIRBU and Dr. Rodica CRUDU managed this activity and altogether decided about the next steps for the implimentation of the project. Another topic disscused was about the results achieved in the WP 2, 3 and 4.  All Moldovan Partners presented their Internationalisation Strategies and Action Plans. Leaders of the project`s Work packages and EU project`s experts
gave their comments and recommendations. Also, partners presented the results achieved and plans for the third year in WP6, Dissemination and Exploitation, on three levels, institutional, national and international.

Working Languages of the CM3 were English and Romanian.